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The Resilient CEO Coaching Program

The Resilient CEO coaching program focuses on your mastery over challenges, capacity to bounce back from odds and ability to keep constructing collective experience through the team. These are the crucial traits that make an organization resilient. Building this muscle of resilience is easier said than done. Call us to set up a prototype meeting of the Resilient CEO Coaching program.

The Resilient CEO Coaching program is based on expanding the systemic perspective of the CEO.
Call us now (10:00 AM - 5:00 PM)


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  1. Develop a middle path leadership
  2. Gain a beginner’s mind
  3. Learn the Art of bouncing back
  4. Become a genetic modifier of the organization
  5. Learn 70:30 principle to construct the overall development of the organization
  6. Strengthen the chain of organizational responsibility
  7. Learn to use the art of dialogue and dialogic inquiry compass to empower the team and team to take the organization to the next level.
Dialogic CEO Coaching

An organization is a macroscopic expression of the CEO who heads it. The resilience of an organization is directly proportional to the resilience and resourcefulness of its CEO. It is not enough if the CEO alone is resilient. The muscle of resilience has to be built within and at every chain of responsibility. The CEO in the coaching program will learn how to use dialogic inquiry compass and expand systemic perspectives, developed by isb Germany and Nibbana India to construct a collective change in the organization in a way that there is organizational resilience all through, with the CEO leading the way.

If this belief resonates with you, call us to set up your first meeting with us.
  1. Apply self-knowledge to align personality traits with roles in the system
  2. Allow intuition to guide innovation
  3. Collaborate effectively with employees at all levels of the hierarchy – use bottom up and top down approach for organizational health
  4. Consolidate organizational experience
  5. Tap into the deeper aspects of self
  6. Heighten self awareness through projective exercises
  7. Lead through listening
  8. Maximise your power of decision making
  9. Read non-verbal cues and communication

CEO Coaching in progress

CEO Coaching in progress
CEO Coaching in progress

A CEO is already a successful man who has attained a certain stature and maturity. He has already gathered a lot of experience on his way to the top and has developed competence to handle a variety of situations and contexts. He is aware of his habits, hot spots and blind spots and deaf spots. In a way his responses and patterns are set. And yet, when a CEO displays willingness to sign up for a coaching program it is an indication of his courage to maintain a beginner’s mind. A mind that is as curious, enthusiastic and observant as to when he took the first step of his journey. It is the beginner’s mind which will come to the aid of the CEO when he decides to decode his habitual ways of running an organization and encode new habits. This re-coding experience allows the CEO to direct his power and resources to modify the genome of his organization into a thriving one and not just one that survives.

The middle path leadership approach creates a space within the organizational system to foster a culture of dialogue where the employees learn to complement skills to match a variety of contexts. A CEO taking the route of middle -path leadership will have the capacity of viewing the top-bottom, bottom-up integration not only as an interaction between levels of hierarchy, but will also be able to see the top and bottom as a polarity, as two sides of the same coin.

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Call: +91 97907 62918/+91 93452 23107

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