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Self Monitoring as a tool to enhance Employee Performance

There is a limitation in measuring everything and every one in an organization. Certain measures are necessary so that the organization has a control system. Along with that if the organization can weave a self monitoring culture then the set measures can become meaningful for

Motivation – A systemic perspective

I recall 2005, I was called for a motivation program. I was approached by a senior general manager of a company. He said that he perceived that his employees were demotivated and he wanted me to conduct a training program to motivate his team. I

Moving from Personality competence to culture competence

“In an organization the leadership culture is not about who is running well in this organization it about how well all are running the organization together” Organizations expect team performance but they measure individual performance. This leads to a culture of individual competence rather than

Culture and its reflection on the balance sheet

“Culture is not seen in the balance sheets, but it has great influence in the organizational balance sheet”. - A Geethan Every organization has its own distinct corporate culture. Culture is made up of the different ways that people communicate with each other, the ways

Content memory vs context memory in OD work

This is about bringing the work context to the training room. The usual training model is to go through a training on soft skill methods (like leadership or team or time management and many more similar topics) and asking the participants to apply this learnt